7 Christmas proposal ideas

7 Christmas proposal ideas

To propose at Christmas, consider creative ideas like an advent calendar or a Christmas bauble with the ring inside. You can also surprise them with a proposal cracker or a heartfelt message in a Christmas card. Another option is proposing under the mistletoe or amidst the festive glow of Christmas lights. Whatever you choose, make sure to find the perfect diamond ring to make the moment truly special.

How to propose at Christmas time?

Christmas is a time of warmth and joy, so it’s no wonder why so many couples choose to get engaged at this time of year. The air is filled with the toasty smell of mince pies, twinkly lights surround the streets, and festive songs can be heard everywhere. The atmosphere is practically made for romance.

All you need to propose is the perfect diamond engagement ring, and perhaps some Dutch courage! Find a ring your partner will adore by browsing through a variety of diamond cutsmetal and styles. At Shining Diamonds, you are bound to find something perfect for your loved one’s taste.

Christmas engagement ideas

1. Proposal advent calendar

Make the countdown to Christmas extra exciting with an engagement advent calendar. You can create a custom advent calendar or purchase one specially made. To make this proposal idea so very special, you can fill your advent calendar with unique gifts, heartfelt notes and your loved one’s favourite chocolates. On the final day, your fiancé will receive the best gift of all, the ring!

2. Christmas bauble

The Christmas bauble idea is perfect for those who want to propose subtly. There are a few different ways to propose with a Christmas bauble – you could tie the engagement ring to a tree ornament, and wait for your loved one to discover it whilst putting the Christmas tree up. Or, you could place the engagement ring inside a Christmas bauble and hand it to them on Christmas day.

3. Proposal cracker

Proposing with a Christmas cracker is perhaps the ultimate surprise! Give your loved one a shock of a lifetime by placing the engagement ring inside the cracker so when they pop it open, they will find not only a ring but also a note with the big question on it. The only thing is, you may have to be careful with this one, as the ring may go flying! 

4. Gift it under the Christmas tree

Of course, one of the most traditional ways to propose at Christmas is to propose under the tree. Not only does this come with an element of surprise, but unwrapping Christmas gifts together can be a very romantic experience – and it will certainly be a gift they will remember for a lifetime. 

5. Propose in a Christmas card 

Sometimes it’s the smallest things that mean the most to us, which is why writing your loved one a Christmas card is the perfect sentimental act bound to warm the heart. By simply popping the question in a handwritten message, you can give your beau a pleasant surprise come Christmas morning. 

6. Under the mistletoe

Recreate a magical movie moment under the mistletoe. Whilst they may think that you are simply going in for a kiss, what they won’t expect is you proposing the rest of your lives together! 

7. Propose with Christmas lights

Proposing under the warm glow of Christmas lights will surely make for a delightful experience – you could opt for personalised lights which spell out the big question. Alternatively, visit your local town centre and propose under a light display. This proposal idea is simple, yet memorable. 

Now that you’re all clued up on how to propose at Christmas time, all you need to do now is find the perfect engagement ring. You may, however, wish to propose at another time – if this is the case, then you can find more proposal tips in our helpful guide. For more advice on finding the right ring, do not hesitate to contact our team or you may wish to visit us in our Hatton Garden store.