One Bit of Weight Women Are Happy to Gain – Carat Weight

One Bit of Weight Women Are Happy to Gain – Carat Weight

Buying a diamond is a big decision. Whether to seal a bond of marital love, or as a financial investment, it’s a purchase likely to stay with you for the rest of your life – so it’s important to understand the technical terms so you can make an informed decision.

Continuing our discussion on how to choose the right diamond jewellery for you (last week we covered the importance of shape), today we’ll share all you need to know about carat weight.

A carat, 200 milligrams, is a unit of weight measurement that is unique to the jewellery industry. The word carat comes from carob, as it was the average weight of the carob bean in 1871 that determined the current weight of a carat.

Often carat weight and stone size are related, but not always. Factors such as the quality of the cut may result in a heavy carat weight with a smaller apparent size.


We have a fascination with oversized stones, attributing to them nearly supernatural powers. The infamous 45.52-carat Hope Diamond, now in the Smithsonian, is said to be cursed, bringing bad luck to all who simply touch it.

Because of their allure – and certainly their cost – these diamonds are often in the possession of royalty. The Golden Jubilee, a fancy yellow-brown diamond weighing in at a whopping 545.67 carats, is the largest faceted diamond in the world. It was given to the King of Thailand in 1997 to celebrate his golden jubilee.


Like so many other things in our society, it seems that the current trend in diamond purchasing is to “super-size” it. Celebrity engagements – such as Jesy Nelson and Liberty Ross – are often announced by posting a picture of a diamond engagement ring that no mere mortal could afford.

And let’s admit it, our hearts do beat a bit faster with envy when we see those huge gorgeous diamonds.

As impressive as a heavy stone is, there is such a thing as being too big. When Paris Hilton got engaged in 2005 to shipping heir Paris Latsis, the ring that sealed the deal was 24-carats; however he gave her a smaller ring for when the big stone became “too much” for her to wear comfortably. If your stone causes fatigue, perhaps it is simply too big.




Though “How many carats?” is often the first question asked of a newly engaged woman, carat weight is more than just a number. Like everything else you wear, a diamond should fit you. If the stone of a diamond ring, for example, is too big for your hand, you don’t look impressive – you look silly.

Choose carat weight based on what suits your finger. After all, only about 10% to 20% of a diamond’s cost is determined by its carat weight. It is the cut of the stone that has the greatest impact on a stone’s price.

As with most things in the world, it is quality rather than quantity that really matters. So don’t jump at a large carat weight “just because”. If other aspects of the stone (which we’ll be talking about in future posts) aren’t up to par, it won’t be worth it.

Follow Keira Knightley’s example – her modestly classic ring is certainly impressive, but doesn’t weigh down her delicate hand. Bigger isn’t always better – unless you’re talking about love. Then you always want the biggest. And a diamond engagement ring is just a bonus.

So, what’s your dream diamond weight – or does it matter? Let us know your thoughts on the importance of carats by reaching out onFacebook and Pinterest!